2024 Dog Zodiac - Fengshui Forecast

Fengshui is referred to as Chinese geomancy where chi / yin and yang are calculated based on fengshui cycle and balance out each in fengshui resolving the unit sha qi . In the trade , the core five elements are fire / earth / metal / water / wood are use to balance a harmony space in the flying star school of thoughts (which is also named as Xuan Kong ) . To fengshui master in the Xuan Kong school of thoughts the different sectors of the bagua map represents good and bad germs only , If you want to find out your house bagua map sectors details, contact our Fengshui Master - Master Eric Lim . He is a Singapore experience fengshui master with 17 years of experience in Geomancy .
Fengshui Explained What is fengshui ? Fengshui is an ancient science where it is often applied in home and office design to create a balance and harmonious environment to strengthen and enhance the owner's good health / prosperity / positive relationship. It is the study of the reaction of chi / yin and yang / five elements (water / wood / fire / earth / metal ) in an environment using the bagua map to analyse the chemical reaction of all these elements . It is passed down from ancient and authentic fengshui does not ask you to buy expensive fengshui items .
Bazi :The Four Pillars BaZi, also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a system of Chinese astrology that analyzes a person’s destiny based on their birth date and time.  Fengshui master used bazi to gain insights into one’s personality , strengths, weaknesses and potential good or bad future and advise the clients how to avoid the future and no doing nothing after the consulting session . Master Lim has leveraged on this formula to predict a number of world events correctly . 
Our Geomancer :
Singapore Fengshui Master - Fengshui Xuan Kong Sect and The Four Pillars Copyright @ Fengshui Master Lim. All consulting info will be strictly confidential.
Singapore Fengshui Master - Geomancer Eric Lim Graduate of National University of Singapore (B Arts)
“Leverage on Fengshui Knowledge and change the path ahead !” - Fengshui Master Lim

Chinese Zodiac: Dog Birth Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Lucky Stars: Guo Yin

Unlucky Stars: Da Hao, Bao Wei, Lan Gan, Sui Po

In 2024, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) is named Li Cheng. Chinese astrology has sixty different Tai Sui, with a different one presiding each year. This rotation of Tai Sui influences our destiny and can lead to variations in our annual fortune. It's crucial to note that this is based on the Gregorian calendar, not the lunar calendar, to avoid any confusion.

Tai Sui Clash -

Tai Sui, strictly speaking, is a guardian deity. If your zodiac sign clashes with Tai Sui, it means there may be conflicts with your guardian deity. - Dragon clashes with Tai Sui - Dog offends Tai Sui - Rabbit harms Tai Sui - Ox breaks Tai Sui

Famous People Born in the Year of the Dog:

- Sun Quan (182-252 AD): Founder of the Wu state during the Three Kingdoms period. - Fu Jian (338-385 AD): Emperor of the Former Qin during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, a notable politician, military strategist, and commander. - Li Yuan (566-635 AD): Founder of the Tang Dynasty, who led a rebellion against the Sui Dynasty. - Xuanzang (602-664 AD): Also known as Tang Sanzang, a great Buddhist scholar, translator, and traveler during the Tang Dynasty. - Li Chunfeng (602-670 AD): A renowned Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and diviner. - Emperor Huizong of Song (1082-1135 AD): A calligrapher and painter known for his "Slender Gold" calligraphy style, though his reign was marked by political incompetence. - Zhu Xi (1130-1200 AD): A Southern Song Dynasty poet and philosopher, known for his contributions to Neo-Confucianism. - Hai Rui (1514-1587 AD): A prominent Hui Muslim official during the mid-Ming Dynasty, known for his clean and efficient governance. - Huang Zongxi (1610-1695 AD): A Chinese political theorist and historian during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. - Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864 AD): Leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the Taiping Rebellion.

Dog Personality Traits:

- Honesty and integrity: Dogs are known for their honesty and straightforwardness. They rarely lie or deceive others and value moral principles. - Loyalty and reliability: They make loyal friends and partners, standing firmly by those they trust and protecting their loved ones. - Strong sense of responsibility: Dogs take their responsibilities seriously and fulfill their duties and obligations diligently. - Diligent and hardworking: They tend to be industrious, unafraid of hard work, detail-oriented, and strive for excellence. - Prudent and cautious: Dogs are often cautious decision-makers, considering various factors before making choices to ensure the best outcomes. - Problem-solving skills: They typically excel at solving problems, quickly addressing challenges, and finding solutions. - Family-oriented: Family holds great importance for those born in the Year of the Dog, and they work towards the happiness and stability of their families. - Tendency to be conservative: Dogs may sometimes resist change and be reluctant to venture into the unknown. - Team players: They often make excellent team collaborators, working well with others to achieve common goals. Year of the Dog Fortune in 2024: For those born in the Year of the Dog, 2024 is a year in which they clash with Tai Sui, indicating a year of suppressed fortune. It is advisable for Dog individuals to undergo dental cleaning after the Chinese New Year to ward off negative energies. Due to the Tai Sui clash, there may be increased stress this year. It is not recommended to take shortcuts at work, as superiors may scrutinize your performance. It's important to maintain good mental and physical health, as unexpected challenges may arise. Avoid impulsive decisions and approach problems calmly and rationally. In essence, take things step by step this year, as the auspicious stars are fewer than the inauspicious ones in your destiny palace.


This year, career-wise, Dogs should be cautious and avoid conflicts with superiors. This is especially crucial for those born in April and October. Handle problems with care, and when faced with questioning, provide logical and well-supported responses. Be prepared for potential troublemakers who may scrutinize your actions and decisions this year. Consider this year as one where you hone your skills for the future and focus on attention to detail. Avoid late nights and instead use your time to prepare for work effectively. For those born in May and November, 2024 presents opportunities for upward mobility. However, avoid engaging in activities that your organization does not permit, as competitors may report these actions to your superiors, potentially affecting your career progression. For those born in November, it's a year where unfavorable situations may turn around in your favor. For those born in December, you may face situations where colleagues or competitors could betray or frame you. Ensure all important matters have documented evidence before proceeding, as it's not a year where trust alone can guarantee a smooth career. For those born in March and June, who typically take leadership roles, it's advisable not to make uncertain decisions in unstable conditions, as this could negatively impact your career. Finance In terms of finances, Dog individuals should approach investments cautiously in 2024 and avoid risky ventures. The presence of the Da Hao star indicates potential financial losses. If you do invest, ensure that your projects have the resilience to withstand the challenges of the Dragon year. Short-term investments should focus on capital preservation. For those born in February, you may see an increase in your financial fortune. However, pay attention to subordinates' affairs, such as buying insurance for colleagues or applying for office permits and renovations. For those born in June, be cautious of unexpected financial losses, especially when traveling. It's essential to have travel insurance, especially in October, and avoid extensive travel. For those born in August, if you have numerous projects to manage, ensure customers provide signatures, and maintain professionalism in handling paperwork. Clearly outline responsibilities in contracts to avoid potential losses. Health Health-wise, those born in October should be cautious, as they are more susceptible to health issues this year. Watch your diet, avoid overindulgence, and steer clear of unhealthy foods. Start the year with dental cleaning. Engage in regular physical activity, focusing on activities that gather energy, not those that require speed. Avoid cold beverages, as this is a Wood year and the year of the Earth Dragon. For those born in August and September, especially if you are part of uniformed teams like medical or law enforcement personnel, pay attention to the condition of your equipment and personal safety while on duty. Ensure you get enough rest and avoid staying up late, as clashing with Tai Sui makes you more vulnerable to injuries. For those born in March, seek professional advice promptly if you experience discomfort or health issues this year. For those born in February, your financial fortune is favorable, but be cautious about the potential physical strain caused by issues with your work tools. Check your equipment independently rather than relying on others. This year, depending on others for inspections could lead to problems, even if you didn't experience issues in the past. Relationships In terms of relationships, the year may bring significant ups and downs for most Dog individuals. Avoid making impulsive decisions, such as divorce or breakups, this year. It's advisable to address relationship issues after the Chinese New Year. For those born in November, it's typically a powerful and fertile year, making it easier to start or expand a family. Romantic relationships are also more likely to flourish this year. For those born in April, you may have differing opinions and some dissatisfaction with your partner this year. Give your partner space and avoid making hasty decisions, as regret might follow next year. Remember that astrology and fortune-telling are for entertainment and personal reflection, and individual experiences may vary. It's essential to take advice from astrologers or fortune-tellers with a grain of skepticism and make decisions based on rational judgment and personal circumstances.
Master Lim is a Singapore Fengshui Master with 17 years of experience . Beside Singapore , he also travel in the region to service his clients . In his consultations, he does not sell commercial fengshui items to clients . His clients include corporate and C/D level of personal. He graduated from the National University of Singapore in 90s and majoring in Chinese Studies. His another major is Economic . He has predicted correctly a number of world events - please see his facebook .

Fengshui Forecast 2024 - Roaster Zodiac

Singapore Fengshui Master - Geomancer Eric Lim Graduate of National University of Singapore (B Arts)
+65 90264251 INFOLINE:

Singapore Fengshui Master

Singapore Fengshui Master - Xuan Kong Fengshui and The Four Pillars Copyright @ Fengshui Master Lim
Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English.Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The feng shui practice discusses architecture in terms of "invisible forces" that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi .

Chinese Zodiac: Dog Birth Years: 1934, 1946, 1958,

1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Lucky Stars: Guo Yin

Unlucky Stars: Da Hao, Bao Wei, Lan Gan, Sui Po

In 2024, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) is named Li Cheng. Chinese astrology has sixty different Tai Sui, with a different one presiding each year. This rotation of Tai Sui influences our destiny and can lead to variations in our annual fortune. It's crucial to note that this is based on the Gregorian calendar, not the lunar calendar, to avoid any confusion.

Tai Sui Clash -

Tai Sui, strictly speaking, is a guardian deity. If your zodiac sign clashes with Tai Sui, it means there may be conflicts with your guardian deity. - Dragon clashes with Tai Sui - Dog offends Tai Sui - Rabbit harms Tai Sui - Ox breaks Tai Sui

Famous People Born in the Year of the Dog:

- Sun Quan (182-252 AD): Founder of the Wu state during the Three Kingdoms period. - Fu Jian (338-385 AD): Emperor of the Former Qin during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, a notable politician, military strategist, and commander. - Li Yuan (566-635 AD): Founder of the Tang Dynasty, who led a rebellion against the Sui Dynasty. - Xuanzang (602-664 AD): Also known as Tang Sanzang, a great Buddhist scholar, translator, and traveler during the Tang Dynasty. - Li Chunfeng (602-670 AD): A renowned Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and diviner. - Emperor Huizong of Song (1082-1135 AD): A calligrapher and painter known for his "Slender Gold" calligraphy style, though his reign was marked by political incompetence. - Zhu Xi (1130-1200 AD): A Southern Song Dynasty poet and philosopher, known for his contributions to Neo-Confucianism. - Hai Rui (1514-1587 AD): A prominent Hui Muslim official during the mid-Ming Dynasty, known for his clean and efficient governance. - Huang Zongxi (1610-1695 AD): A Chinese political theorist and historian during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. - Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864 AD): Leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the Taiping Rebellion.

Dog Personality Traits:

- Honesty and integrity: Dogs are known for their honesty and straightforwardness. They rarely lie or deceive others and value moral principles. - Loyalty and reliability: They make loyal friends and partners, standing firmly by those they trust and protecting their loved ones. - Strong sense of responsibility: Dogs take their responsibilities seriously and fulfill their duties and obligations diligently. - Diligent and hardworking: They tend to be industrious, unafraid of hard work, detail-oriented, and strive for excellence. - Prudent and cautious: Dogs are often cautious decision-makers, considering various factors before making choices to ensure the best outcomes. - Problem-solving skills: They typically excel at solving problems, quickly addressing challenges, and finding solutions. - Family-oriented: Family holds great importance for those born in the Year of the Dog, and they work towards the happiness and stability of their families. - Tendency to be conservative: Dogs may sometimes resist change and be reluctant to venture into the unknown. - Team players: They often make excellent team collaborators, working well with others to achieve common goals. Year of the Dog Fortune in 2024: For those born in the Year of the Dog, 2024 is a year in which they clash with Tai Sui, indicating a year of suppressed fortune. It is advisable for Dog individuals to undergo dental cleaning after the Chinese New Year to ward off negative energies. Due to the Tai Sui clash, there may be increased stress this year. It is not recommended to take shortcuts at work, as superiors may scrutinize your performance. It's important to maintain good mental and physical health, as unexpected challenges may arise. Avoid impulsive decisions and approach problems calmly and rationally. In essence, take things step by step this year, as the auspicious stars are fewer than the inauspicious ones in your destiny palace.


This year, career-wise, Dogs should be cautious and avoid conflicts with superiors. This is especially crucial for those born in April and October. Handle problems with care, and when faced with questioning, provide logical and well-supported responses. Be prepared for potential troublemakers who may scrutinize your actions and decisions this year. Consider this year as one where you hone your skills for the future and focus on attention to detail. Avoid late nights and instead use your time to prepare for work effectively. For those born in May and November, 2024 presents opportunities for upward mobility. However, avoid engaging in activities that your organization does not permit, as competitors may report these actions to your superiors, potentially affecting your career progression. For those born in November, it's a year where unfavorable situations may turn around in your favor. For those born in December, you may face situations where colleagues or competitors could betray or frame you. Ensure all important matters have documented evidence before proceeding, as it's not a year where trust alone can guarantee a smooth career. For those born in March and June, who typically take leadership roles, it's advisable not to make uncertain decisions in unstable conditions, as this could negatively impact your career. Finance In terms of finances, Dog individuals should approach investments cautiously in 2024 and avoid risky ventures. The presence of the Da Hao star indicates potential financial losses. If you do invest, ensure that your projects have the resilience to withstand the challenges of the Dragon year. Short-term investments should focus on capital preservation. For those born in February, you may see an increase in your financial fortune. However, pay attention to subordinates' affairs, such as buying insurance for colleagues or applying for office permits and renovations. For those born in June, be cautious of unexpected financial losses, especially when traveling. It's essential to have travel insurance, especially in October, and avoid extensive travel. For those born in August, if you have numerous projects to manage, ensure customers provide signatures, and maintain professionalism in handling paperwork. Clearly outline responsibilities in contracts to avoid potential losses. Health Health-wise, those born in October should be cautious, as they are more susceptible to health issues this year. Watch your diet, avoid overindulgence, and steer clear of unhealthy foods. Start the year with dental cleaning. Engage in regular physical activity, focusing on activities that gather energy, not those that require speed. Avoid cold beverages, as this is a Wood year and the year of the Earth Dragon. For those born in August and September, especially if you are part of uniformed teams like medical or law enforcement personnel, pay attention to the condition of your equipment and personal safety while on duty. Ensure you get enough rest and avoid staying up late, as clashing with Tai Sui makes you more vulnerable to injuries. For those born in March, seek professional advice promptly if you experience discomfort or health issues this year. For those born in February, your financial fortune is favorable, but be cautious about the potential physical strain caused by issues with your work tools. Check your equipment independently rather than relying on others. This year, depending on others for inspections could lead to problems, even if you didn't experience issues in the past. Relationships In terms of relationships, the year may bring significant ups and downs for most Dog individuals. Avoid making impulsive decisions, such as divorce or breakups, this year. It's advisable to address relationship issues after the Chinese New Year. For those born in November, it's typically a powerful and fertile year, making it easier to start or expand a family. Romantic relationships are also more likely to flourish this year. For those born in April, you may have differing opinions and some dissatisfaction with your partner this year. Give your partner space and avoid making hasty decisions, as regret might follow next year. Remember that astrology and fortune-telling are for entertainment and personal reflection, and individual experiences may vary. It's essential to take advice from astrologers or fortune-tellers with a grain of skepticism and make decisions based on rational judgment and personal circumstances.
Fengshui Explained What is fengshui ? Fengshui is an ancient science where it is often applied in home and office design to create a balance and harmonious environment to strengthen and enhance the owner's good health / prosperity / positive relationship. It is the study of the reaction of chi / yin and yang / five elements (water / wood / fire / earth / metal ) in an environment using the bagua map to analyse the chemical reaction of all these elements . It is passed down from ancient and authentic fengshui does not ask you to buy expensive fengshui items .
Our Fengshui Master Master Lim is a Singapore Fengshui Master with 17 years of experience . Beside Singapore , he also travel in the region to service his clients . In his consultations, he does not sell commercial fengshui items to clients . His clients include corporate and C/D level of personal. He graduated from the National University of Singapore in 90s and majoring in Chinese Studies. His another major is Economic . He has predicted correctly a number of world events - please see his facebook .